Posted on: December 1, 2016

Who sets the low-income figures? I think they are too low.

These figures are adjusted each year and based on Statistics Canada’s low-income qualification figures. While we acknowledge that these don’t always encompass the full range of situations that people find themselves in, we need to use consistent eligibility criteria.

Posted on: December 1, 2016

I earn too much money and don’t fit in the low-income cut-off figures. Are there other programs I can get involved in?

We encourage you to look at the programs offered by Efficiency Nova Scotia. Some municipalities also offer low-cost financing for energy efficiency and cleaner energy upgrades. And Nova Scotia Power offers a financing program for heat pumps. You might also want to check out the Heating Assistance Rebate Program (HARP). It helps with the cost of home … Continue reading I earn too much money and don’t fit in the low-income cut-off figures. Are there other programs I can get involved in?

Posted on: December 1, 2016

What is the process if I qualify for HomeWarming?

After your application is approved, the process is easy: Home Energy Assessment: A Certified Energy Advisor will evaluate your home and determine the upgrades needed to make your home substantially more energy efficient and comfortable. Home Upgrades: Then, they will call you to set up appointments to make the upgrades approved for your home (please … Continue reading What is the process if I qualify for HomeWarming?

Posted on: December 1, 2016

What’s the difference between HomeWarming and other housing programs in Nova Scotia?

HomeWarming is targeted at homeowners in Nova Scotia who are living on a low income. If you qualify and we believe there are things we can do to help, we work with you to determine the best energy efficiency upgrades for your home – and we have them installed at no cost to you. If … Continue reading What’s the difference between HomeWarming and other housing programs in Nova Scotia?

Posted on: December 1, 2016

Have there been other programs like HomeWarming?

Yes. HomeWarming is built on previous low-income energy efficiency programs run by Efficiency Nova Scotia. From 2006 to 2014, over 7,000 homes received energy efficiency upgrades. The program known as HomeWarming started under that name in late 2014. Over 16,000 low-income Nova Scotians have now had energy efficiency upgrades to their homes since 2007, when … Continue reading Have there been other programs like HomeWarming?
